Sunday, June 10, 2012

We interrupt our program...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this important announcement... IS OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED!

For those of you who didn't tune in, we had an amazing first weekend!  The Cyber Cafe was a smash, resulting in hundreds of new members signed up on the site.  SAVN Live hit it's stride by the weekend, averaging 1200 views per day.  We couldn't have asked for a more successful start!

The Gathering went off without a hitch and the SAVN Team did our Territory proud.

Thanks to all who have supported and believed in this dream.  We could not have done it without you.  We look forward to working with you in delivering the Gospel message to the world by way of social networking and the internet!



  1. Wonderful!! I was calling it Cyber Blood and Fire! :) Congrats for this amazing accomplishment! Jean Marie Salanoa

  2. Praise God for an uplifting series of meetings that edified Christ and drew us all closer to Him. Ed A.

  3. I enjoyed the meetings immensely via the internet! Thanks for your commentary and on spot interviews too!
