Saturday, November 24, 2012

OMNIPRESENT! The Story (1)


Shrinking Globe, Shrinking Gospel
The SAVN.TV Story
(An eBook in the Making)
(A Work in Progress)

God Incarnate! The omnipotent and omniscient triangulated and shrunk into the form of a vulnerable flesh and blood human being, ten fingers, ten toes, five senses and all - the first Cyberspace transmission of compassion in action. Heretofore, unconditional love was an emotion unknown unto men.

The mind cannot conceive, what the senses cannot perceive.

Jesus embodies compassion in action, his behavior exasperating traditional, legalistic skeptics: "We've never done it this way before!"

Love Triumphs Law
Cynicism Erupts

Jesus communicates the Gospel visually: compassion in visual action. He understands the power of story, scripting His message into parables (painting verbal pictures) and object lessons, always leaving his audience wanting more:

An Adulteress Protected and Forgiven
Feeding the Hungry Five Thousand
Lepers Touched and Healed
Compassion In Action!

The message is not confined, liturgically, within the temples; it goes viral throughout the land, mouth to ear, ear to mouth, all flocking to hear, see and touch however, whenever and wherever Jesus is.

"In no time at all a crowd gathered along the shoreline, forcing him to get into a boat. Using the boat as a pulpit, he addressed his congregation, telling stories" (Matthew 13).

No Microphone
No Internet
No Media

The shoreline: taking the Gospel to wherever people are to be got at.
The water: natural sound wave amplifier.
The boat: innovative use of resources.

Using modern techniques to reach the greatest number of people instantaneously and visually with 'The Story.' Compassion in visual action!

From 12 disciples to 1 million Christians by the end of the 1st Century, an amazing increase in number considering the primitive means of communication and transportation at their disposal. By the time the Industrial Revolution rolls around (early 1800's), the global population has ballooned to 1 billion with an estimated 23% claiming to be Christians (the definition having broadened considerably in scope). Industrial innovation ushers in the beginnings of a modern phenomenon - a rapidly shrinking planet.

One century later (1930) the population doubles to 2 billion with 35% now claiming to be Christians. By 2012 growth more than triples to 7 billion, phenomenally fast by comparison, 33% (2% less) now professing Christianity. This rapidity in growth creates social chaos and upheaval heretofore unimaginable. The traditional "missionary sending" method cannot keep up with it.

In the midst of this population explosion, enter the Informational Revolution. The computer and Internet, et al, gives instant access to the global masses. The resulting culture clash is mind-boggling, leading to a diminishing Christian population, percentage wise (2% = 140 million souls) - a declining trend in the midst of instant, omnipresent access to the Gospel.

The church is slow to adapt
Shrinking Globe, Shrinking Gospel!