Thursday, May 31, 2012

Win the World!

Over the past year, I have been confronted with the same question time and time again, "What is"  It's a great question... and difficult to answer.

It's not difficult to answer because we don't know what SAVN is, but because nothing like this has ever been attempted.  This is an entirely unique experience and difficult to define in words.  You have to see it.

To put it in perspective, I'm sure the first time Henry Ford tried to explain the automobile, people probably said, "A horseless carriage?  That don't make no sense!  A carriage can't go nowhere without a horse!" It wasn't until they finally saw it, put their hands on it, looked under the hood, and sat behind the wheel that the light bulb finally illuminated.  "Aha!" they said, "A horseless carriage!"

SAVN is much the same sort of animal (no pun intended).  During the next few posts, I will do my best to explain this strange and magnificent beast we so affectionately refer to as "".  If you don't get it, not to worry.  Once you put your hands on it, look under the hood, and sit behind the wheel, you too will have that "Aha!" moment.

The first question that must be addressed is, “What is SAVN’s purpose?”  The easy answer – “To win the world for Christ.”  However, “The World” is a big place.  If we attempt to become all things to all men, we become nothing to no one.

I have the pleasure of working as a Screenwriting Professor at a local filmschool here in Los Angeles.  Last semester, I decided to run a little experiment with my students.  I asked them to take out a piece of paper and answer two questions: "Do you believe in God?" and "If so, why?  If not, why not?"

I was surprised by two things:  First, most of the students actually had a pen and paper (very rare in this digital age).  Second, 75% of those polled admitted to believing in God, 15% weren't sure (agnostic), and only 10% firmly stood on the belief that God did not exist (atheist).  However, only 25% admitted to participating in an active spiritual relationship with The Creator.

I was stunned.  A small minority of my students were Christians, but the vast majority of them wanted to believe.  They were seeking the Savior and primed for the Gospel!  If my class were an accurate representation of the population, 90% of the world is searching for God!  This begged the question, "How do we do it?  How do we reach a generation who views the Church as an outdated, archaic model of their parents' belief systems?  What form of the Gospel will they find relevant?"

The answer to my questions came shortly after, in the form of a phone call from the Territorial Commander.  "Guy..." said Commissioner Knaggs, "What would you think about media website designed to win the world for Christ?"

And so it began...