Friday, June 22, 2012

Big Things Have Small Beginnings...

My wife and I went and saw Prometheus last night.  One of the lines from the film stuck with me for hours afterward.  David, an android, stares at a virus on the tip of his finger and states, "Big things have small beginnings."  A resounding truth.

The success of any new undertaking relies largely on perspective. For instance...

In our first week after the launch SAVN had 800 registered users, 4000 visitors, 2400 unique visitors, and 26,000 page views.  From an "overall Internet" perspective, these numbers were minimal.  From an "open beta" perspective, these numbers were respectable.  From an "online corps" perspective, these numbers were HUGE.

From any perspective, these numbers are more than satisfactory.  Did we expect SAVN to be a "run away train" straight from the gate?  Not by a long shot.  The SAVN team is thrilled with our roll-out numbers.  The revolution has begun!

Big things have small beginnings.

A mighty oak tree grows from a tiny seed.  An atomic explosion begins with the splitting of the smallest known particle: an atom.  FaceBook, 800 million members strong, was started by a 20 year old kid in a college dorm room.  The salvation of all mankind came in the form of a baby, born in a manger.

Big things have small beginnings.

Does an oak tree grow over night?  Was the atom bomb invented in a day?  Did Zuckerberg accumulate millions of members in his first week? (point of fact, he had little over half the number of registrations in his first week as did SAVN)  Was Christ's mission accomplished in the first few years of his life?  No, no, no, and NO!

Big things have small beginnings... and take time to develop and grow into BIG things. will be no exception.  Our beginnings are modest, as expected.  With God's blessing, we will grow into a mighty oak and win the world!

Be sure to join us on this amazing journey.  Don't miss out!

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10

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